In our last part of this series, I will go over some of the most important lessons that I have learned and want to share with you. If you take anything away from these last few posts, I really hope that these final three are the ones that stick with you! Enjoy, and please remember to work with your body, not against it. 

CARDIO, CARDIO, CARDIO! Cardio workouts are very important for building your cardiovascular strength and endurance. Raising your heart rate is also critical for losing weight, and cardio is truly a great way to do that. Jump Rope specifically is among the best cardio exercises you can do.

PERSONALIZE YOUR WORKOUT! Remember, your body is different. The same workout program that worked for that ripped guy on Youtube will not necessarily work for you. So don’t be surprised when you don’t see the results you want by following someone else’s plan. Reach out to a personal trainer or a doctor, and see what kinds of workout programs are best for you.

ENJOY IT! I cannot stress this enough. When it comes to fitness, remaining consistent with your workouts is the most critical aspect of success. And what’s the key to doing something consistently? Wanting to do it. Exercise can be fun!

Thank you all for tuning in, and I hope you learned something in the past few days that will help you on your fitness journey. I hope you’re going strong with your workout regimens!

Response to - Here's Why The Term Plus Size Is Problematic The Larger Issue - Elle -

It's very simple folks, XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL, etc...that way no one is offended and it is what it is when you purchase clothing and if you are an XL with one type of style or designer and only an L or XXL in another style, who cares? That was easy!!!!!!!!

But, everyone needs to stop describing women of "different body types" because your body type has nothing to do with your size!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It should read or be "women of different sizes" - because that's exactly what it is and there is nothing wrong with that...

However, I follow and study all that is related to women when it comes to self-image and body issues and everyone needs to stop featuring articles or mention (all the clothing designers and women's websites are guilty of this) "these jeans bring out your best features" or this dress "streamlines your body" or for "high-waisted busty women, this will make you appear more curvy". Because, if you, the media or organization is promoting "body positivity" and telling everyone that "it doesn't matter what you weigh or what dress size you wear" why then are you telling a woman what type of dress to wear to look better in?????

Another faux pas is when you see or read an article on line that headlines "so-and-so rocks in this bathing suit with her toned and slim legs" (and these are the very same websites/firms that "promote" all sizes are equal...Really????? It's funny, I never see a large or extra large individual being featured with these headlines and if it is, it is only a model/actress/celebrity with a perfect face, fyi...

If I were a women, I would be very devastated if I saw an article that says she rocks it with her trim legs because that is telling me that unless I or every other woman who does not have trim legs "cannot rock it"...

Women and men alike will always want to look and feel better in clothes and - without them - and guess what, there is nothing wrong with that. The problem with this entire body positivity movement is that women are now shunned or are frowned upon if they want to get in better shape and/or lose weight. And then when they do, the media tries to downplay the weight loss aspect by saying that they did it for health reasons. Hey, who cares WHY someone wants to make changes with their body??? As that is their personal business, not yours or ours.

Also, there is a difference between a women's self-confidence, self-esteem, body positivity and how she judges or feels about her body in its current state...Women are beautiful at all times, and because of a plethora of reasons, many women because of genetics, just being a woman, medical reasons or issues, menopause, pregnancy, stress, depression, a relationship that ends (good or badly), etc...can gain weight without even trying but, that doesn't mean if she wants to improve herself in any endeavor; education, career, becoming a better mother, doing pro-bono work that she has to "explain" herself and her actions - so if everyone wants to be on even par - despite what dress size one wears, focus on the journey and the benefits that she personally is receiving from her efforts and if one of those benefits she states is that she just wanted to lose weight because she did not like her size, so be it and that is wonderful...

Wow, if I am a plus-sized gal/woman, now I feel so much better that I will be “accepted and be able to enjoy myself at Carnival” – NOT!

What’s next, how a “skinny or a petite gal/woman can be embraced at Carnival”? There are so many things wrong with the message of this article - I don’t even know where to begin…

 First off, are these suggested costumes ONLY for plus-sized women??? Secondly, do you have any idea how much these costumes are and the cost involved to rent and/or make?

Thirdly, if I am a plus-sized gal/woman and I do not have an elaborate costume, do I need to consider staying home and not go or participate?

Fourthly, since when does a costume “guarantee” to make me feel better about myself – regardless of my size or shape?

And lastly, who says (besides) this article that plus-sized gals/women are not feeling good enough about their size or shape to be in public during Carnival???

 We (the media and mostly women by the way, not the men!) keep reminding the general public and their readers/audience how plus-sized gals/women can be embraced in the public and thus, keep reminding these same gals/women that it’s okay, do your thing…It’s funny, I don’t recall seeing any signs or messages that say plus-sized gals/women are not welcomed here at this particular venue…

 The media needs to stop bringing to the forefront and singling out ANYTHING regarding plus-sized gals/women. And to say that if you are plus-sized and wear this or that will help you get over your anxiety so that you can now enjoy yourself is the very same message that some of the ignorant general public snickers about these women – and that is “if your large, here’s a way to fit in”…

 How come there are no articles about plus-sized men or children or articles on women that wear a size 8-16 to dress a certain way to feel confident. As one could easily argue that based on this article that all gals/women who are not plus-sized have no body image issues and as we all know, the size of a woman and or her dress size does not mean she does not have body issues…

 As a man (me) who deals with women on a daily basis regarding their bodies, I can assure you that most, if not all women want to feel and look better no matter what their age, race, size, shape, weight, etc.…

This “accept me” movement has now negatively affected all women and has demotivated them to want to better themselves physically, health-wise, and aesthetically…since the current message now for any gal/woman is “you don’t need to get in shape, be healthier and feel better and look better if you don’t want to”. Oh really???

 Now, women are not allowed or encouraged to better themselves physically because of all the outcry of other women who feel that if someone doesn’t like you the way you are, then just find new friends or better yet, release a photo of your body to any SM outlet where other women who are just as “curvy” can wallow/share in your self-pity and de-motivate you or not encourage you to strive to be better. 

 Check this out; your son or daughter, who is 12 years old, comes home one day from school and is crying because her classmates called him/her fat. So, you as her mom says to her “that’s it, we’re moving because if your classmates cannot accept the fact that you’re overweight, we will move into a neighborhood and school where you’ll be “accepted”. Well, you better be prepared to pack up and move on a weekly basis, because children will be children and you’re not going to fix them – but, you can help your daughter or your son and here’s how…

 Sit down with him/her and discuss with her that you (her mom and/or dad) is going to help you get in shape and lose some weight. The key here is to make lifestyle changes that will allow you to do it with him/her because children mimic their parent’s behavior and habits (both good & bad). And, if you exercise with your child, it really helps in making it a consistent thing just like when you watch a weekly movie together, etc.…

 Can you imagine if your son or daughter comes home with a D on a recent test that he/she just took and when starting to cry because their classmates called them dumb, you blurt out “that’s it, we’re moving because if they cannot accept the fact that you’re an idiot, we’ll find people out there who will accept the fact that you’re stupid.” FYI; there could be many reasons why a child does not score well on an exam and plenty of bright, smart kids get bad grades – and it is not because they are stupid…

 Actually, most young children who don’t do well in their daily schoolwork is more due to parenting because you’re not watching the ball and making sure that your child is not just doing their homework, but completely understands all that he/she is “studying”. Well, the same applies to managing their eating habits, their activity level, their studying habits, their social skills and interaction and yes, their health and fitness level, etc.…

 And, if I hear or read one more time that “our poor children, we need to help them lose weight and get in shape,” I think I might go eat a donut because we have it backwards…it’s really about our poor adults and they are the ones who need to get in shape so that you can make it part of your child’s daily lifestyle because no dad is going to motivate his child while being a couch potato drinking a beer and eating chips yelling to his kid “hey Bobby get outside and play sports please”!

 Yes, it’s true that the world is cruel at times and that not everyone is “sensitive” and both children and adults say stupid things. But, as a parent, you need to get tough with yourself and focus your energies on making the situation better, not wasting your time on social media posting and complaining to the world, because believe me, it won’t make you and/or your child any fitter, healthier or smarter…

Link to the article: 

#plussize #plussizefashion #bodypositive #curvy #socialmedia #curvygirl #plussizestyle #fitness #curvyfashion #effyourbeautystandards #plussizebeauty #health #bodypositivity #health #healthylifestyle
