Are you pretty much built straight up and down with very few curves? Is there little difference in the circumferences of your chest, waist, and hips when you look in the mirror? Do you tend to put on weight around your midsection? If so, you are a Ruler. Exude’s patented, one-on-one fitness programs are personalized, and geared towards teaching you how to exercise specifically for your Ruler body type. Click "Get Started" to sign up for your Ruler fitness one-on-one training program.

YOUR GOAL: Trim Stomach to Add Curves to Your Body
As a Ruler, you pretty much have free rein to perform any kind of exercise, provided you are not overweight. If you are overweight, ease up on the weights and resistance a little bit until you start to trim down. Then you can incorporate both. Protect your back! Don't skip your stretching routine before you work out, and stretch your hamstrings lightly at the end of all of your workouts.
Rulers look great in all clothes but typically have the highest body fat percentage of all body types and hence the phrase “underweight, but over fat” meaning that you might weigh only 125 lbs. or so but over 30% of that 125 lbs. is fat.
Rulers also have poor posture as they age IF he/she does not do the proper lower abdominal exercises and they usually don’t because they have tight hamstrings which affect their lower back muscles.
In general though, Rulers have free reign to do any exercise he/she desires without any need to be concerned with mis-exercising for their body type.
Rulers also have poor posture as they age IF he/she does not do the proper lower abdominal exercises and they usually don’t because they have tight hamstrings which affect their lower back muscles.
In general though, Rulers have free reign to do any exercise he/she desires without any need to be concerned with mis-exercising for their body type.
Yoga, all stretch and calisthenics classes, Pilates on machines
Full sit-ups w/out locking feet, upper and lower abdominal crunches and leg-outs
Jogging with incline, step classes, spinning, lunges, squats
Full sit-ups w/out locking feet, upper and lower abdominal crunches and leg-outs
Jogging with incline, step classes, spinning, lunges, squats
None – Unless you're overweight, all exercises are recommended. If you need to reduce your weight, use light to moderate resistance/weights until you reach your ideal weight.
After giving birth to two lovely children a few years ago, I had lost all of my baby weight — all except my lower belly. I wasn’t too concerned though because I was able to hide and disguise by dressing in such a fashion, nobody knew I had such a terrible muffin top except for me and my wonderful husband. Then one day I had to pick-up my kids from school and I hadn’t enough time to properly dress (cover-up) and upon arriving at my daughter’s school, I was immediately asked when I was due! That’s it I said to myself, the gig is up so I contacted Exude (I had already read one of Edward’s books) and decided to put my body in their hands. Today, six months later, I have shed 4 inches off my lower belly and only have 2 more inches to go. Thanks Exude for making me feel great about my body again!
Exude Fitness designs a personalized fitness program tailored to your lifestyle, body type, current level of fitness and your medical and orthopedic background. No matter where you are located in the world, Exude works with you one-on-one with our virtual training program!