This is my new blog post and I am very excited to share it with the world.
This is an amazing quote!
Edward Jackowski PHD
Blah blah blah
This is a section Header

When it comes to Virtual Fitness today, there are a plethora of options to choose from. But, what truly makes a company more effective in getting their clients closer to that "nirvana" called fitness?
Is it the variety of classes/programming available? How about the energy associated with the instructor? Or, perhaps it is because you know you won't do anything on your own and need to schedule a workout ensuring that you will at least do something?
Well, according to Edward Jackowski, Ph.D. the founder of Exude Fitness - there are three vital components that must be present in any virtual exercise-related program in order to be successful with proper fitness, maintaining motivation and achieving your fitness goals; 1) it must be sustainable, 2) it must be educational and, 3) it must increase your fitness level and improve your body giving you the results you are seeking.
Whatever you choose to do fitness-wise, can you do it today, next week and years from now? Are these exercises good for my medical background and orthopedic concerns? With my lifestyle, can I perform them on a regular basis? If you cannot answer YES to all of these questions, you will not be able to be consistent with the frequency necessary in order to be effective and thus, you might even set yourself back a bit because some of the exercise may be exacerbating a compromised region of your body that is already injured...
Does your exercise session hit all the five medical components of a fitness program, namely; cardio, stretching, muscle endurance, muscle strength and body ratio? Do you warm-up, then strecth, workload and cool-down each and every time you workout? Do you know how to perform a full-body routine on your own when not with your online instructor to complement what you are doing with him/her? If you cannot answer YES to all of these questions, you do not have a well-rounded and sound fitness program and thus, will never truly become fit.
In theory, all exercise might or could be good for you...In reality, is what you are doing exercise-wise, improving all aspects of fitness and is your body changing for the better, and are your problem-areas getting better or in many cases, worse? In general we often choose the exercises that we like and those at which we are good at, not necessarily what we need. If your body is not improving in 30 days or more, you might be receiving some benefits, but not all three associated with proper fitness; an increase in your fitness level, improved health and, are you reaching your aesthetic goals.
Exude Fitness was founded by Jackowski in 1985 while he was just a student doing his undergraduate work at Baruch Business School in Manhattan, NY. Fast forward - Exude today owns the world's only patented and medically-proven fitness system based on body types and has been chronicled in literally thousands of media articles, television/radio shows and online articles. In addition, Edward has written seven books with some of the largest publishing houses and is also one of the country's leading experts in combating and preventing Type II Diabetes through his exercise-related programming.
And, before the internet became a mainstay for everyone, Exude had a head-start in today's virtual fitness arena as they created real-time fitness and individual coaching around the world in the late 1980's. Back then, Edward would call clients in different parts of the USA and various countries and have him/her send Exude a Polaroid picture of themselves in workout clothing and then Exude would mail or Fedex them a medical/lifestyle form that he/she would then send back to Exude. Once this was received, Edward would then call his clients on the phone to discuss all the factors vital to becoming more fit and then mail them their individualized fitness prescription along with one of his books, a VHS or DVD which outlined in detail, a full-body exercise routine based on their body type.
Today of course, all of this is done virtually/online and Exude offers this unique and individualized training through its Exude Virtual Global Fitness Programming at:
I wish everyone would stop misusing the term body type to describe the size of someone - as the size of someone has nothing to do with their body type - as body type when used properly, is not about size, but about proportion.
Your body type has more to do with the general shape of a person which is defined mainly by the molding of skeletal structures, as well as the distribution of muscles and fat, and the type of training, sport and exercises one performs.
Your SIZE is either; small, medium, large, petite, or extra-large, and these are not words that are synonymous with body type - as your body type describes how & where your weight is distributed throughout your body.
For example, there can be different sizes that describe a particular body type whereas one perhaps is larger framed, one is medium-sized and one can be a slender/smaller Hourglass, but all possess an Hourglass® (1) body type.
So when the media or others say that we need to "embrace" all body types, what they are trying to say is that we need to embrace women of all sizes...
Another mistake is the misuse of the word "curvy" to describe heavier/overweight women - as you can be petite and be curvy or big and curvy or petite or large and not be curvy whatsoever.
And in following suit, plus-sized is also not a body type…and finally, how much you eat does NOT determine your body type, but it can influence how small or large your body type is…
Now, with reference to this article and all sports in general, certain sporting events require specific fitness and exercise training that involve and utilize different types of muscle, power, endurance and stamina.
For example, long cross country skiing, running marathons and any long distance sports require more aerobic capacity and endurance-type movements….
You will notice that for the most part, 90% of these elite athletes (men or women) are built more on the slender side versus athletes that participate in sports or events that require more anaerobic conditioning and shorter bursts of power such as speed skating sprinting or sprinting in track or weight lifting or football or rugby.
And some sports are a combination of both aerobic and anaerobic in nature, which require both strength, power and endurance such as basketball, tennis, hockey, just to name a few…
It is actually an advantage for Jessie Diggins that she is more on the slender side for her specific sport and in addition to her natural body type - she is a RULER® (2).
Her training, because it is more aerobic-related is the main reason why she is more slender versus bulkier (that and her specific diet of course) and genetically, Jessie cannot easily add bulk to her body because of her Ruler body type.
Most aerobic exercise takes mass (both fat & muscle) off of our bodies and for certain sporting events, this is necessary to achieve high results - as it is not an accident that most marathon runners are also Rulers because excessive mass (muscle or fat) will hinder his/her performance…
When you look at the women who do speed skating sprints you will notice that most if not all of the athletes own a different body type (they are either a bottom-heavy Hourglass or a Spoon® (3) body type which means that they can add muscle mass much more easily and readily down below than other body types - which is EXACTLY what is needed to perform that sport at an elite level.
These type of athletes tend to be more muscular and a bit heavier weight-wise because these power sporting events require larger muscle mass for quick, explosive moves to perform that specific sport.
Also, aerobic athletes have more slow-twitch muscle fibers versus anaerobic athletes that have more fast-twitch muscle fibers – and fast-twitch muscle fibers increase in size much more rapidly…
And finally, you will also note that no cross country skiers possesses a heavier, very muscular physique as they are more lithe like - just as you will not find sprinters with a very slender physique like Jessie’s because he/she would not be able to dominate that sport.
I’m going to share with a fitness faux pas that have been either debunked or proven by medical data. I hope you will heed this advice and make these adjustments into your own personal fitness regimen.
Fitness Myth: Muscle weighs more than fat.
Before you click away, muscle does indeed weigh more than fat, but it needs clarification. It doesn’t mean that you’ll become “fatter” if you exercise and build muscle.
What people mean to say is that per square inch of volume or space the weight of muscle is denser than that of fat. Imagine making a fist. That is about the space that one pound of fat takes up. Now take your thumb and forefinger and make a circle with your fingers; this silver dollar of space represents the space or volume that one pound of muscle takes up.
Pound for pound, fat takes up approximately 3 times the amount of space as muscle. Because fat takes up more space, that’s one of the reasons people who possess a lot of fat actually look and appear heavier than they are and people with a healthier body ratio of muscle vs. fat look lighter than the scale indicates or to the naked eye. Now, can’t we fit or insert a lot more of those silver dollars versus fists into our bodies?
We need to start making steps and changes in our lifestyle behaviors to not only lower our risk of dying from COVID-19 but also to lower our risk of the above aforementioned preventable diseases associated with obesity.
So how can we better our situation? Although it’s true that today we are more educated on the BENEFITS of proper fitness and eating sensibly, we are not more educated on the PROCESS of making these two elements part of our daily lives, despite any constraints that may hinder us in doing so. We are substituting activity for fitness and medically-wise, they are not the same and cannot yield us the same health, fitness and aesthetic gains that we long for and desire. Our mindset and attitude must improve - as we have become a culture that “if we don’t like to do it, then we don’t have to do it.’” A cultural and mental shift is in order.
The most effective way to lose weight and to keep that weight off is to choose an eating/diet plan and fitness regimen that you can maintain today, next month, next year and years from now – with of course some minor tweaking and adjusting.
After doing my research, I’ve decided to put together some data and helpful information that’ll be easier to understand than a medical journal.
Obese patients who contracted COVID-19 are 74% more likely to end up in the ICU and 48% are more likely to die.
The medical community has known now for years that obesity is a major risk factor for flu complications. It actually makes the common flu vaccine less effective in obese recipients. Even with the vaccine, obese patients have a 10% chance of getting the flu, as opposed to the 5% probability of contracting the cold for those non-obese vaccinees. So, this “new news” is not really new, because it follows the same pattern - but now we're not just talking about a bad cold here, we are talking about life or death…
COVID-19 is especially more deadly to certain ethnicities where obesity is also high. Deaths Related to Covid-19 Based on Race/Ethnicity - from Most to Least: Indigenous Americans, African Americans, Latinos, Whites, Asians. And, if you were to categorize the highest obesity percentages based on Race/Ethnicity, other than the first two groups swapping places, they are almost identical in nature!
We are all realizing the negative impact that Covid (whether you have had any strain of it or not) has had on every mental and physical aspect of our lives and health…
We also know the benefits associated with proper fitness that help protect us from more serious Covid-related issues…
If ever there was a time to start and engage in a sound fitness and exercise program, now is the time to end your procrastination and get moving, especially if you are in a high-risk group…
Here are some helpful, educational and hopefully motivational tips and bits of information that you can learn from to help better protect and insulate yourself…
First and foremost, is how exercise has such a positive impact in strengthening your immune system. It can increase blood flow, help clear bacteria out of your airways, cause a brief elevation in body temperature that may be protective, strengthen antibodies to help fight infection, and reduce stress hormones. Exercise also helps to improve your cardiovascular system, lower your body fat percentage and body weight, increase muscle mass and improve overall mobility, combat arthritis throughout your entire body and help relieve back issues and improve your balance.
Don’t overdue it though… as studies show that moderate-intensity physical exercises stimulate cellular immunity, while prolonged or high-intensity practices without appropriate rest can trigger decreased cellular immunity, increasing the propensity for infectious diseases.
And, physical activity does more than improve your physical health. It releases endorphins that boost your mood and reduce stress. It also helps you focus on every task, physical or mental – allowing you to start and finish all projects and chores that you attempt. And best of all, becoming fit allows you to be more active and enjoy your favorite leisure or competitive sport – injury free!
None of this information should be shocking to anyone given the environment that we are all living in today on a daily basis - especially those that live in cities where space and options for activity/sports/exercise are extremely limited. Although our daily diets can be improved, it is the dramatic decrease in our movement that has caused our massive weight gain across the country and world for that matter.
We are moving 90% less now than pre-Covid times. As our diets stay the same while our activity declines, we gain weight. When we stop moving, causing our BMR (known as our Basal Metabolic Rate) to slow down, we gain weight.
And remember, we can’t just lose weight through dieting long-term. For every pound we lose through dieting alone, nearly 75% of that pound comes from muscle and conversely; by losing a pound through exercise and making our portions a bit smaller, 75% of that pound of weight loss comes from fat. They both weigh the same but fat takes up 3.5X the space of muscle, so focusing on losing fat will make you lighter and a lot smaller as well. That's why people who lose a lot of weight through any type of extreme dieting alone look sickly and gaunt - because they have lost an enormous amount of muscle with all that weight loss..
Remember, weight loss is not difficult if we choose a path and techniques that can be maintained not just for weight loss but for everyday wellness.
Aside from the immune-compromised individuals, some elderly and other small groups, it is really the sedentary/obese patients who contract COVID that are 74% more likely to end up in the ICU and 48% are more likely to die.
The medical community has known now for years that obesity is a major risk factor for just the common flu complications. It actually makes the common flu vaccine less effective in obese recipients. Even with the vaccine, obese patients are twice as likely and to be more precise; have a 10% chance of getting the flu, as opposed to the 5% probability of contracting the cold for those non-obese vaccinees. So, this “new news” is not really new, because it follows the same pattern - but now we're not just talking about a bad cold here, we are talking about life or death…
Also, COVID is especially more deadly to certain ethnicities where obesity is also high. Deaths related to Covid-based on Race/Ethnicity - from Most to Least: Indigenous Americans, African Americans, Latinos, Whites, Asians. And, if you were to categorize the highest obesity percentages based on Race/Ethnicity, other than the first two groups swapping places, they are almost identical in nature!
We need to start making steps and changes in our lifestyle behaviors to not only lower our risk of dying from COVID but also to lower our risk of all the preventable diseases associated with obesity.
So how can we better our situation? Although it’s true that today we are more educated on the BENEFITS of proper fitness and eating sensibly, we are not more educated on the PROCESS of making these two elements part of our daily lives, despite any constraints that may hinder us in doing so. We are substituting activity for fitness and medically-wise, they are not the same and cannot yield us the same health, fitness and aesthetic gains that we long for and desire. Our mindset and attitude must improve - as we have become a culture that “if we don’t like to do it, then we don’t have to do it.’” A cultural and mental shift is in order.
The most effective way to lose weight and to keep that weight off is to choose an eating/diet plan and fitness regimen that you can maintain today, next month, next year and years from now – with of course some minor tweaking and adjusting.
And, whether you are currently thinking of exercising at home or if you don’t feel safe or comfortable exercising in any public gym or health club, don’t worry - Exude works with you in the privacy of your own home with a minimum of fitness equipment needed either in-person or with our Exude Virtual Programming. Click here to contact us and get moving! Add contact us button here…
Exercise, in general, makes you healthier and, if done correctly, will help you attain your ideal body. But there are all kinds of exercises with different purposes for different kinds of people. I always say that exercise is easier when you find an activity that best suits your body type and personality. If you like what you do, it’s easier to continue doing it. Today, I’ll briefly go over some exercises that I’ve found effective, as well as some of the people they may best be suited for.
Swimming is an amazing aerobic cardio exercise that is easily accessible to beginners and professionals alike. It works out your full body and burns calories pretty quickly as a result - at a moderate intensity, swimming can burn 300 calories for an average person. This is honestly, really great for anyone, but because it’s easy on the joints, it is great for older individuals who cannot do joint training exercises. This workout is also great for the private exerciser who prefers to work alone.
Cycling is also a great aerobic cardio workout that helps build strength and endurance for your entire lower body. It burns less than swimming, but biking with resistance like up a hill can double your calories burnt. This exercise is really great for those who love the outdoors or certain bottom-heavy individuals who’d like to burn off some fat.
Tennis is both an anaerobic and aerobic exercise that builds your eye coordination and healthy bones. This sport is really great for those with hourglass figures (equally top and bottom) because having both lower and upper body strength is necessary to be quick on your feet and strike hard with the racket. It’s also great for those who want to exercise socially. Playing singles or doubles still requires other people to join in!
And finally, basketball is a great aerobic exercise that conditions your body and builds endurance. Due to the high intensity of the sport, basketball is great for balance, agility, coordination, jumping, running forward and backward. This sport is best for those who are not afraid of body contact or confrontation. It is also a great way to build some teamwork outside of the office.
There are a lot of other activities and sports that I did not mention but hopefully, I was able to give you some ideas for activities to add to your regimen or next gym visit. Don’t forget that you can have fun exercising!
Back problems. I get it. It’s a common issue for a lot of people. I’ve seen my fair share of men with general bone problems in my 20+ years of experience. But, I get scared when people say that they cannot work out, because you most certainly can! You just need to change the way you work out.
For example, bicycling is still a great option for building quadricep muscles which protect the knee. Using a recumbent bicycle, even better as it puts much less stress on your back. Water exercises like pool running or water aerobics provide adequate resistance without putting unnecessary pressure on your joints. In other words, there are a multitude of things you can do. Don’t let your bad back or knee or hip define or limit your healthy lifestyle!
If you are one of those people, here’s an exercise program that can help you walk pain-free in a few months of consistent training. This program has worked for a lot of my clients, and I know it will work for you if done correctly. Of course, safety always comes first, so please, check with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You will need a stationary bike.
Bike for 20 to 30 minutes with light to moderate resistance at 70 to 90 RPM (revolutions per minutes)
Stretch for 5 to 8 minutes, working the spine, hamstrings, quadriceps, groin, triceps, and shoulders specifically; hold each stretch for 30s
Exercise your abs with 15 to 25 repetitions of crunches and reverse crunches
Bike for 10 min at 80 to 100 rpm
Cool down for 2 to 3 minutes at an easy pace (50 to 70rpm)
After a month or so of this routine, you should increase the number of ab exercises and time on your bike. Your goal should be to reach 30 to 45 minutes without a break. And trust me, once you can reach this goal, you won’t only feel better physically, but mentally too.
Having been a fitness trainer my entire life, I am really happy to see when people decide to better their lives through exercise. However, not everyone starts off the same, and unfortunately, not everyone starts off with the best information. As such, in this series, I am going to go over some tips for you to maximize your workout routine!
CLEAR DISTRACTIONS! Get those phones out of your face when you’re working out. That hour of time you allotted to working on you should be fully devoted to that. Don’t waste those precious minutes texting away or looking at Youtube. Be effective with your time!
RAISE THE INTENSITY! The intensity of a workout is what raises your metabolism. So if you’re working out to lose weight, make sure that you’re increasing resistance or weights or whatever it is. Make sure it gets progressively harder.
WEIGHTS ARE FRIENDS! Don’t be scared of weights people. Weights are a great tool for building muscle and the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn passively.
TOSS THAT SCALE! Of course, I don’t mean that literally. But as you build muscle and lose fat, you may not actually lose weight, because muscle weighs more than fat. As such, do not be discouraged if, after a month of exercise, you notice no change in your weight; you’re getting leaner!