Do you tend to carry weight pretty much evenly in both your upper and lower body, yet are a bit more slender through the upper waist?
Is there a significant difference between the circumference of your chest/upper back region and your waist (or between your hips and your upper waist)?
Does your body appear balanced and curvaceous when you look in the mirror?
If so, you are an Hourglass.
Hourglasses can also carry more weight because it is more evenly spread out throughout their entire body…
Exude’s patented, one-on-one virtual fitness programs are personalized, and geared towards teaching you how to exercise specifically for your Hourglass body type.
Click "Get Started Now".
Some women Hourglasses think that because they have a lower belly or “muffin-top" that they are Rulers and they are not.
This is more characteristic of people who do not do enough cardio and lower core work and/or some women who have given birth and/or women in their forties or older.
And, some hourglasses are either a bit more heavier/wider/bigger on the bottom or a bit more heavier/wider/bigger on the top which makes them a bottom-heavy hourglass or a top-heavy hourglass, but they just bulk a bit more and faster down below or up on top - but they are still hourglasses and thus should exercise accordingly so…
YOUR GOAL: Trim Upper and Lower Body
As an Hourglass, your mantra is high reps, low resistance and low weights for both upper and lower body.
High reps for Exude means at least 25 to 50 repetitions for each exercise.
If your goal is to lose mass and size, as you slim down, you can slightly increase resistance and weight.
But, you still must maintain your high reps for each exercise. Hourglasses that bulk very easily may have to keep the resistance and weights at a low level forever.
Please keep in mind that the more you weigh, the faster you will bulk…
- Jumping rope
- Stationary biking with light to moderate resistance & High speed
- Upper & lower body exercises with light weights and high repetitions
- Moderate to heavy weights for upper & lower body
- Spinning and Ellipticals with moderate to high resistance
- Kick-boxing while hitting or kicking a heavy bag
- HIIT Classes
To learn all about the do’s and don’ts for Hourglasses - Pick up a copy of Exude’s best-selling book Escape Your Shape (Simon & Schuster).