Media & Press
Over the years, Exude Fitness has been featured in many TV, Radio, Podcasts and Print Media articles about its patented body type, innovative and ground-breaking fitness methodologies.
In addition, Exude's CEO and Founder Edward Jackowski, Ph.D., is the only fitness expert to have been interviewed by Barbara Walters, Diane Sawyer, Shepard Smith and Pat Robertson, just to name a few...
In addition, Exude's CEO and Founder Edward Jackowski, Ph.D., is the only fitness expert to have been interviewed by Barbara Walters, Diane Sawyer, Shepard Smith and Pat Robertson, just to name a few...
“You’re about to meet a fitness expert Edward Jackowski—who will explain to us why the exercises we’re doing may be nothing but a waste of time.”
“Exude’s fitness and weight-loss program is one of the best in the country today.”
“Edward Jackowski, Ph.D. is the fitness expert who analyzes the effects of exercises on different body types at Exude Fitness.”
“Edward Jackowski from Exude Fitness is one of America’s superheroes who are making our world a more beautiful place. Unlike Superman, Edward Jackowski can’t stop a speeding bullet with his chest. What he can do, however, is give you the body of a superhero.”
“By the way, did you notice your butt’s getting bigger on that trendy machine at your health club? I never realized how much time I was wasting at the gym until I started working out with Exude’s body type workouts. Their realistic take on fitness equals great results!”
“Through Exude’s body type workouts, I’m pulling clothes out of my closet that I haven’t seen in years, including shorts.”
“Want to reshape your shape? Our Beauty Editor taps into a training program guaranteed to get you fit! Well, it seems to be working as my body looks and feels leaner, my muscles are more defined within two weeks working out with Exude Fitness. I’ve lost six pounds and roughly six inches from my body with no changes in my diet.”
“Your fitness regimen may be nothing but a big waste of time if you’re making any one of these common exercise mistakes outlined by Exude Fitness.”
“Here’s how to re-sculpt your figure flaws with the revolutionary workout designed specifically for your body type by Exude Fitness.”
“Edward Jackowski is a fitness expert who emphasizes sensibly that for women, perfection is not emaciation!”

Listen to “The Secrets on How to Maximize Your Exercise Time to Achieve Proper Fitness and Health” with Edward on The Total Radio Network
Read About One of America’s Leading Stylists is Learning How to Escape Her Shape
If you would like a full press kit please click here.
Before I read an article touting the praises of Exude Fitness, I signed up for one those internet workout programs and boy, was I disappointed…Not only did I bulk which made my saddlebags look worse, it was not individualized for my specific needs in any form or fashion as all they wanted me to do was purchase their nutritional supplements, so I could keep spending $$ with them. Thanks to Exude, not only do I now have a fitness program that is working, I can call and ask questions without being solicited to buy anything. Thanking you from Australia.
Exude Fitness designs a personalized fitness program tailored to your lifestyle, body type, current level of fitness and your medical and orthopedic background. No matter where you are located in the world, Exude works with you one-on-one with our virtual training program!