Here's a fun fact: did you know that Exude's CEO and Founder, Edward was appointed the first-ever fitness columnist for AARP's Modern Maturity Magazine when he was a mere pup of only 37 years-old? That's right, Edward became their syndicated columnist and began educating the many millions of readers on many lifestyle and fitness topics including: How to increase your flexibility, best aerobic exercises, how to keep your muscles firm and supple, improving your balance, combating arthritis through proper exercise, the best exercises for golf and tennis and much, much more.
Exude works hand-in-hand with the senior market and designs fitness programs that are safe, efficient and effective. Whether you're a current, non-exerciser or someone that just plain loathes exercise, Exude motivates and educates you, despite any medical or orthopedic condition to make proper fitness part of your arsenal — to help ensure a longer, healthier and more productive life as your most precious years go on. And, Exude will condition your body properly and safely so that you can start taking up more active hobbies — as this is your insurance policy and determining factor to leading a full life!